How to prepare for anger management

by | Dec 19, 2024

Man looking down at paper and checklist

It doesn’t matter if you’re attending anger management in Manhattan as a court order or because you have friends and loved ones concerned about your anger issues, it can be a nerve-racking experience. However, there are things you can do to prepare yourself to calm your nerves before going into your first session. Here are some tips for you as you prepare. 

Know how your therapy is organized 

Anger management therapy can be set up in a variety of ways and still be effective for all those who participate. You can do group or individual therapy that’s done either in-person or online. Take into consideration the format of your sessions so you can be mentally prepared for how it’s going to go. If you’re not someone who enjoys social settings, online might be the best for you. Others prefer direct interaction with those who are in their sessions, so in-person is often better. Either way, find out how your classes will be set up beforehand. 

Understand the rules of participation 

Not every therapist has the same rules. With some, the traditional rules of engagement in the therapy session are thrown out the window, and you’re allowed to say or do whatever helps you find the words you’re looking for to describe your anger and how it affects you. In contrast, some therapists will say that you need to focus on reeling in your anger with everything from your demeanor to your actions to your words. Gain an understanding of the ground rules for your anger management sessions so you can effectively work with your therapist to achieve your long-term goals. 

Set goals 

Setting goals is an essential part of effective anger management. It doesn’t matter if your goals include getting the court order signed off or reaching a point where you have full control of your emotions; you need to have a goal that you’re working toward. Keep in mind that every goal needs to be a reasonable benchmark that you can reach. However, it should also push you to better yourself in the end. Setting simple goals that are easily attained will not promote individual growth or push you to be better. You can even set your ultimate goal and then create smaller goals that are used as mile markers along the way. 

Keep an open mind 

It’s not uncommon to enter any type of therapy with preconceived notions about what you think it’s going to be like. For instance, the stereotypical therapy session is the image of the patient lying on a couch while their therapist takes notes on a legal pad. While this might be the case for some, it’s not how it works for everyone. 

Anger management is much more person-to-person interaction where you learn skills to manage your anger in real-world situations. This doesn’t mean that you’re going to feel sedated and submissive to the world. Instead, you’ll learn when anger is an appropriate emotion and how to control its physical manifestation. 

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